Home Tutorial How to Install and Configure Movie and TV Series Landing Page

How to Install and Configure Movie and TV Series Landing Page

How to Install and Configure Movie and TV Series Landing Page

After you download the script, upload to your hosting/server and extract it.

Now follow this steps:

I. Open includes/TMDB_API.txt, file insert your API TMDB as much you wish and separated by new line. See the picture below.


II. Open includes/config.php file and and complete the following data.

  • For DESCRIPTION_OVERVIEW, replace default with no to use your customization for your web description, then you can customize it on file /includes/meta_title.php

define("DESCRIPTION_OVERVIEW", "default");
  • For Site title, you can customize on this below

define("TITLE_SITE", "Watch or Stream Free HD Quality Movies");
define("WEB_TITLE", "OpenBO.co");
define("DESCRIPTION", "We are online movie and tv show streaming for free anytime");
define("CONTACT_EMAIL", "replace@with.your.email");
define("RANDOM_BACKGROUND", "disabled"); // enabled or disabled
define("PLAYER", "trailer"); // opening or trailer
define("OPEN_LINK_NEW_WINDOWS", "no"); // yes or no
define("PREFIX_TITLE", "Download "); // it will be shown in the meta title, please leave a space in the end of.
define("UNIQUE_URI_MOVIE", "720p.BluRay.x264 Full Movie "); // it will be added in the url and meta title, you can change it or leave it blank to not using, please leave a space in the end of.
define("UNIQUE_URI_TV", "720p.BluRay.x264 Full Episode ");
define("VIDEOS", "yes"); // yes or no - Show other trailers in the movie detail
define("GALLERIES", "yes"); // yes or no - Show other galleries in the movie detail
define("POSTERS", "yes"); // yes or no - Show other posters in the movie detail
  • Recent search and sitemap settings.
// Recent search and download Setting
define("RECENT_SEARCH", "yes");
define("COUNT_SAVING_RECENT_DOWNLOAD", 10000); // after reach number you input, the file will we renamed and moved to folder sitemap_datas
define("COUNT_TO_SHOW", 100);

// Sitemap Settings
define("SITEMAP_STYLE", "yoast"); // yoast or classic
define("SITEMAP_RECENT_SEARCH", "enabled");
define("SITEMAP_RECENT_VIEW", "enabled");
define("SITEMAP_TMDB", "disabled");
define("SITEMAP_INJECT_KEYWORDS", "disabled");
  • CPA Network setting
define("ACTIVATED_CPA_ADS", "enabled"); // enabled or disabled
define("CPA_NETWORK", "ad-center"); // ad-center or other
  • If you use ad-center as your CPA_NETWORK see on line 57 above, so your setting for ad-center is below.
define("PRO_ID_REG", "3");	// ad-center PRODUCT ID
define("PRO_ID_DL", "139");	// ad-center PRODUCT ID
define("REF_ID", "5099632");	// ad-center REF_ID or campaigne ID
  • If you use other as your CPA_NETWORK see on line 57 above, so your setting for another network is below, simply replace //other.network.link/?bla=xx&bla=xx&bla=xx link below with your offer link
define("OTHER_NETWORK", "//other.network.link/?bla=xx&bla=xx&bla=xx");
  • Customizing Meta Title, description and open graph tag.

Open /includes/meta_title.php file

// Custom title and description for movies
if (!empty($_GET['movie']) && empty($_GET['tv']) && empty($_GET['season']) && empty($_GET['episode']) || ($style=="lp")) {

	$title_site = PREFIX_TITLE . $title . " (" . $year . ") " . UNIQUE_URI_MOVIE . "for free - " . TITLE_SITE;
	$ogtitle = $title . " - " . TITLE_SITE;
	$ogdescription = str_replace(array('"', "'"), '', $overview);

	if (DESCRIPTION_OVERVIEW=="default") {
		$overview_description = $overview;
	} else {
		$overview_description = "Watch " . $title . " (" . $year . ") Online, Download " . $title . "(" . $year . ") For Free - " . TITLE_SITE;