Home Simple AGC AGC Amazon + Landing Page

AGC Amazon + Landing Page


Demo: sexylingeries.shop sexualwellness.shop books.ohh.link
Demo sitemap: https://sexualwellness.shop/sitemap.xml


  • PHP 5.3 or greater
  • Apache/Nginx/Litespeed mod_rewrite module
  • 10 MB disk space on server
  • Amazon API key (free from amazon)
  • Execute support (optional)
  • Ioncube Loader


Key features:

  • Multi Countries.
  • Multi Search Index
  • Multi Random Api key
  • Auto Generate sitemap from recent search and detail page
  • Auto generate sitemap from keyword injection.
  • Auto generate sitemap from asin and book title injection.

Out of stock



  • PHP 5.3 or greater
  • Apache/Nginx/Litespeed mod_rewrite module
  • 10 MB disk space on server
  • Amazon API key (free from amazon)
  • Execute support (optional)
  • Ioncube Loader


Key features:

  • Multi Countries.
  • Multi Search Index
  • Multi Random Api key
  • Auto Generate sitemap from recent search and detail page
  • Auto generate sitemap from keyword injection.
  • Auto generate sitemap from asin and book title injection.

Technical features:

  • It does not store any PDF files on server. It’s 100% instant process. So, you just need 30MB disk on server
  • Works on any server (Shared hosting, VPS, dedicated, localhost, etc…)
  • No database required

User Interface features:

  • Responsive design (mobile friendly)
  • Instant search results on typing in search bar
  • Support all major browsers

SEO features:

  • Dynamic search engine
  • Dynamic meta Title and Description so no more duplicate metatag.
  • Easy to change the permalink as you want.
  • Open Graph tags

Other features:

  • Ready made Contact form, DMCA and Privacy pages

Change Log:

v.1.5 – Jan 28, 2018

# Fixed cache on ASIN page
# Fixed Landig Page file dl.php
# Fixed bug on firefox

v.1.4 – Jan 02, 2018

# Improve pagiation
# Improve browse node searching
# Improve filter for DMCA complain
+ Added auto categories from BrowserNode ID 
+ Added cache for search and product detail (Can be disabled)
+ Added auto complete title when open url use ASIn only, e.g: example.com/item/1578052157/
+ Added Languange for core site, translate them on "lang" directory
+ Added auto logo, taken from the domain name but can be customed with your test. 
  define("LOGO_STYLE", "autologo"); // autologo or mytextlogo or image

v.1.3 – Oct 26, 2017

+ Adding registering domain system on this script, so the config files for unregistered domain won't be created.
+ Adding facility to rename apis folder to deny people stealt your amazon apis.
+ Adding Related/Suggestion Searches
+ Adding Similiar Books on sidebar for detail page.
+ Adding little description above the result search.
+ Adding switching button to choose, you want to display detail page or Landing Page on result search.
# Improve searching by using BrowseNode per SearchIndex
# Enabled subscribe form to collect your visitor email, after that you can rediect them to Home or your CPA offer.
# Fix itunes sitemap

v.1.2 – Sept 11, 2017

11 Sept, 2017
# Fix all error miising icon, error pencarian
# Improve Seo pada halaman pencarian 
+ Auto generate sitemap from itunes

v.1.0 – Sept 09, 2017

# Released